1-Did you visit the property
2-Does the implementery development plan involve the property?
3-Do you –cross check the property with its project in the municipality?
4-Do you check all licences and official permits for the property had been obtained?
5-Did you check the use of the building permit or habitation certificate issued by the local authorities?
6-If the property is only project,do you make a premilinary sales contract in notary with landowner?
7-İf there is a tenant in the property did you check the leasing contract?
8-İf there is a tenant in the property did you check whether the tenant has given the seller an evacuation notice?
9-Do you have mutual declaration of both the buyer and you to Title deeds registery office to carry out the transfer of ownership?
10-New owner is also responsible for overdue real estate tax debts.Thus,do you put a special clause in the sales contract in order to prevent a possible outbreak in the future?
11-Do you have both English and Turkish version of the contract?
12-Do you have both English and Turkish version of the contract notarised?
13-Do you apply to Title deeds office for transferring the ownership?
14-Do you carry out due dilligencce at Title deed Registry Office?
15-During the application in the Title deed office’do you bring the title deed or a document indicating the propertys exact location ,passport and Id card , 2recent passport photos?
1-Istanbul was elected as the top city in Europe for development prospects according to Uli-PwC 2013 report
2-500.000 housing sales annually in Turkey
3-Up to 400 point direct flights from istanbul, 22 direct access to the capital cities within 22 hours.
4-A population of 75 million 50% under age 30.
5-Urbanization rate of 76.8% as of the year 2012 ,forecast of 2023 is 84%
6-Economical growth 9.2% and 8.5 % in 2010 and 2011
7-Expected to become the largest economy in the world by 2050
8-16th largest economy in the world ,2012 GDP Usd 774bn.
9-Secondary potential cities for invvestment Ankara,izmir,Antalya,Bursa,Kocaeli,Adana and Mersin.
10-Turkey is visited by 36,776,000 tourist in 2012
11-Turkey is the 6th most favourable tourism destination in the world.
12-19 cities over 1 million population.
13-Istanbul as the financial centre of Turkey ,has growth potential of additional office development.
1 – Copy of the passport translation
2 – Copy of the passport
3 – Power of attorney (from Notar for your property purchase process)
4 – Tax identification number
5 – 4 photographs ( 2 for power of attorney, 2 for title deed)
6 – Agreement for the sale of property
7 – military zone checking for your property
8 – Copy of I.D.
9 – Copy of title deed